How to use BrainLinkBrainLink is a wearable, mobile device using brain wave control. It can take you into the magic of a trip, through a blue-tooth connection, and explore the mystery of science fiction becoming reality, together. This film is to teach you how to correctly wear BrainLink, and connect blue-tooth with your mobile device, which is actually the best helper for BrainLink.
2015 Grand Challenge of
Making a Wish with Your MindAt the dawn of the New Year, you should put down all cares and celebrate the New Year 2015. If you do a weird thing once, you will be happy in the coming year! When you make a wish with mind, you start a new wish with your heart. As long as you make a wish with your heart and soul, you will surely succeed in the challenge. -
Special Interview of
Health TV ProgramDo you want to challenge Google Glass? BrainLink tells you how to let your brain really relax. Is it the mental head band? Can you also control the device with your mind? Let's see how it can improve your brain's ability to concentrate and relax. Health Fashion Magazine Science Rhapsody -- New Health Channel BrainLink. Let's see how this new technology can help children in their learning period. -
Shenzhen YaYa ShowThis episode of YaYa Show, a funny variety show, introduced by SZTV, highlights the innovative technology product “BrainLink"” -- the mental head band, provided by Shenzhen Macrotellect, Ltd., by which you can use your concentration to control the game, so that virtuality is changed into reality. Let's see how YaYa parodies BrainLink. It is really fun!
Magical Mental TourAt the dawn of the New Year, a loser was wandering the street one day, while suffering from loneliness. All of a sudden, he unexpectedly passed an event and he was surprised to see a goddess in his heart. According to the introduction of the goddess, you only need to put a thing on your head, close your eyes, make a wish and open a gift with your mind. As long as your wish is sincere enough, you can open the gift.
2014 Global Sources
ExhibitionAs China's first healthy brain wave expert, Shenzhen Macrotellect, Ltd., attended the 2014 Global Sources Mobile and Wireless Products Exhibition. The product shown by Shenzhen Macrotellect, Ltd., was China's first wearable smart device for brain waves -- BrainLink mental head band. At the scene, a special area was set up for experiencing the PK between yoga meditation and the mental game; domestic and international