Safe, Smart, and Effective:
Innovative Neuro-gaming That Boosts Your Child's Focus, Emotions, and Cognitive Function
BrainLink SE, a cutting-edge neurofeedback technology backed by the neuroscience and education industries. Invest in your child and get real results with real-world testimonials and positive reviews from countless satisfied parents.
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Who is BrainLink SE for?
Does your child suffer
from the following?
Struggling to focus in school?
Procrastinate on tasks?
Trouble managing emotions?
Screen addiction?
Lack of mental exercise?
Learning disability or disorder?
Feeling stressed and anxious?
"ADHD, anxiety, depression, and behavior problems are the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children. According to the CDC’s diagnosis(2016-19, US) among children(3-17) are ADHD: 9.8% (6 million), Anxiety: 9.4% (5.8 million), and Depression 4.4% (2.7 million)...”
BrainLink SE is for
families looking for:
Boosts focus & academic performance
Fosters parent-child bonding through shared experiences
Regulates emotions for better well-being
Fun alternative to screen time, reduces addiction
Discover brain science through play
Start mindfulness mastery in childhood for lifelong benefits
Improves neuroplasticity & cognitive function
Unleash your child's brainpower
Watch Your Child's Attention
Soar with BrainLink SE
Control robots with the power of your child's mind using this affordable and revolutionary DIY robotics kit. The futuristic EEG headband reads brainwaves, unleashing creativity and sharpening cognitive skills. Science fiction brought to life for young innovators!
Mind Sports
Mind Tower Defence
Mind The Ant
Mind Combat
Flappy Brain
Mind Fruit Bomb
Zen Garden2
8 Min Meditation
BrainLink Tutorial and Brainwave
Basic Detection
Mind Lie Detection
Vast APP ecosystem
100+ Brain training Apps and vast ecosystem of 3rd party Apps and accessories;
Find more
What do experts and users
have to say about BrainLink?
Backed by Researches
in Child Education Fields
Also Seen On
National TV mainstream media worldwide
Inside the Package
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